Saturday, March 19, 2016


Sometimes there is a simple answer but we have concluded in our minds that complex things need complex and involved answers. I bring this up because this is how it is with agoraphobia and hyperphoria.

Some examples: When country's used ships to get produce and products and people to other ports to sell their goods and make money they encountered an illness called scurvy. This was a deadly disease that killed many people. One day while docked at a port that had an abundance of lime trees the people said just eat these limes and your scurvy will go away. We now know that there was Vitamin C in these limes that took it away. These sailors came to be known as LIMEYS.

Another example: One day a baby who had a swelling in his cheek was taken to a pediatrician. His parents waited anxiously for 3 hours to see the doctor. When he was finally looked at by the doctor they were told that they should just give the baby some salt or sugar and he would be fine. The parents threw one fit insisting that he have ex rays and antibiotics and pills. They would not believe that sugar and salt would cure this complex problem.

Does this sound like you? Are you believing that your agoraphobia is being caused by your dysfunctional childhood? The trauma you suffered when you were molested? Maybe it was because your parents divorced after you were born. You were fat or skinny and the kids picked on you at school. The observations are many and we can all fit into these somehow.
We try desensitization. We go with our therapy person and do the thing we fear. But it always comes back. So we say we have relapsed. We keep trying over and over to get different results. The stories are numerous on the internet.

What you need is Vitamin C! What! OK I don't really mean Vitamin C although it would be good for you I mean you need the simple answer. Of course that answer is your EYES. Yes your EYES are causing all your problems and symptoms. Maybe you did have a crummy childhood but it didn't cause your agoraphobia. Actually it came from a family member. This is inherited! I am sure most of you can find someone in your family that wasn't quite right. There is also the case of TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AND SEIZURES. Agoraphobia and HETEROPHORIA can be caused by them.

When you are young your eye muscle will make up the difference of one eye higher than the other but as you get older and more trauma and problems come into your life the eye muscle gives up and BINGO you can't leave your house. Sometimes this can happen to the very young at birth the eye muscle just doesn't help. Some times you have episodes or times when this happens and then it goes back to helping. It is kind of like a remission. This condition has different levels. Some people can't leave their house and are home bound for years, others can function in society even though they are anxious and troubled most of the time.
This problem to the agoraphobic is totally complex. Doctors have no answers and no one else has either.


Now don't go running off to the nearest eye doctor because they can't help you. WHY? Because they weren't trained in this. They were told in school the eye muscle will correct this condition. WRONG!
Get on your computer and type in your search engine: VISION SPECIALISTS OF MICHIGAN. They are pioneers in this subject and field. They will help you find a specialists in your area if there is any and help you. They know more about your condition than you do.

Click on the test to your right and grade yourself.

Why do you want to be in your house when you can be enjoying the sunshine?

Love you all, Yolanda

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