Thursday, April 17, 2014


Hi everyone, I am going to give you something different today, a recipe for eggplant.

Essential ingredients:
Eggplant (make sure it is firm)
Panko bread crumbs
Italian seasonings ( rosemary, oregano, etc.)
Asiago or parmesan cheese
1 egg
Olive oil

You can peel the eggplant or just leave the skin on. Slice the eggplant in rounds not quite a inch thick. Take a dish towel and lay the eggplant rounds on it. (Saves from using a paper towel not to mention a tree.) Sprinkle salt on both sides of the eggplant. Not a lot but enough. Leave for about a hour or longer. After this time they will seem pretty limp but don't worry this is what you want, otherwise they soak up oil while frying them. Take panko bread crumbs and put on a plate, sprinkle in oregano, rosemary and any other italian seasoning you would like. Also sprinkle some cheese in.
Take the egg and mix with small bit of water about 1/4 cup mix well.  Take eggplant round and dip in egg and then dip in panko. Just put them on the towel until the oil is hot in the frying pan. Because you have removed the water they will fry fast. When brown and done transfer to paper towel to drain, also sprinkle some cheese on them.
You can make a dip and serve as a hors d' oeuvres if you like. The sauce could be a tomato sauce or even ranch dip.

Remember its not in your head it's in your eyes. Hugs, Yolanda

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Are you having trouble with reading and don't know why. Maybe your problem is your eyes. Thats what happened to the story below.

Struggling With Concentration

Concentration was always a struggle for me in school. I am 16 years old. I would always lose my focus after about thirty minutes of working. I did not have any symptoms such as headaches or dizziness, so I assumed I was a slower learner. Once in a while I would lose my place in a book, or read the same line multiple times. With a corrected prescription by Dr. Debby, I have noticed my concentration level rise at school and see clearer. Thank you for helping me see a world of difference.
- B. P., 16 year old male

Maybe you just need the right eye exam and a special pair of glasses. Go to for other amazeing stories and some answeres.
All the best, Yolanda

Monday, April 14, 2014


Hi Everyone, have to tell you how the appointment went. My son and his wife and their son were all examined at Michigan Eye Specialists, by Dr. Debbie. The bonus was my grandson. He didn't have a appointment but I knew he needed one but thought maybe on another trip we could get him in. Dr Debbie being the gracious and giving person that she is said he needs his eyes examined and fit him in. The poor guy had all kinds of problems and is coming home with a pair of bifocal glasses. He is excited about them. Now he will have a good chance in school, where before he was struggling.
Now what happened to my son and his wife. Well of all things they weren't that many diopters off in their vision but the prism Dr. Debbie put in their glasses, gave them instant relief. I was really surprised because I thought you had to be so many diopters off before you would feel anything. I have a lot to learn about this business. My daughter in law had many more problems that they will have to work on. A lot of her problem was related to traumatic brain injury. She has been in car accidents and other things. This traumatic brain injury is more profound in many more people than I thought.
I can't wait for them to come home and start wearing their prism glasses. I will keep you all updated on the progress of their recovery.

Hugs to you all remember its in the eyes.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Hi Everyone, remember when I asked you to pray for my son and his wife that they would get to Michigan? Well they are off to Vision Specialists of Michigan and Dr. Debbie for their eyes. They left this morning.
They are going to see if they are candidates for prism glasses. My son has suffered over the years with anxiety and it has affected his quality of life to the point that he can not hold down a full time job. It started when he was in the first grade.( If you read the one posting I did about a week ago, there was this one little boy whose symptoms started at birth.) Hyperphoria is not a respecter of persons it can start at any age. I hope this is finally his answer. His wife has had anxiety problems and physical problems over the years. Please pray that this is finally it and they are on their way to being the people the God always intended them to be.
I believe all of us want to be successful we just need a boost in the right direction. Lets not label everything mental and take the easy way out, seek a better answer.
I will keep you all posted on the outcome of their Michigan trip.

Just remember it's in your eyes not in your head. Take the hyperphoria test on the right.
Hugs, Yolanda

Hi everybody, it is now Nov. 2014 about 7 months since my son and wife and grandson went to Michigan and were tested for hyperphoria at Vision Specialists of Michigan. I promised to tell you what happened and so here it is.  My son's vision was one diopter off and his wife was 1 diopter off. My vision is 14 diopters off so you can see what a difference there is between me and them.They were both given glasses with a prism and any other problems associated with eye problems. My son saw improvement even with that bit of  correction. My daughter in law saw improvement also but because of long standing health issues and other issues could not be helped. I was glad my son was not bad like me but wished for more of a reaction. The big surprise was their son my grandson

He did not have an appointment but when Dr. Debbie saw him. She knew there was something wrong just by looking at him. She examined him and made time for him. He was found to be cross eyed even though he didn't look like it. He had farsightedness and nearsightedness and needed one prism, he is only 8 years old.
He is having a hard time in school so I was absolutely thrilled with this finding. I thought at least he will have a start in the right direction in the years to come.
 Well sadly to report this was not to be. He complained of the glasses even though I bought a second pair and  does not want to wear them at all. I have talked to my son and his wife and told them the importance of him wearing his glasses but they have refused to parent their son in this regard. My hands are tied and I have to accept their reluctance in this matter and leave it be even though it breaks my heart. 
That is my update because I want to be right up front with all of you because the important thing is being all that you can be. You have the choice it's called free will. Please choose to do all you can to improve your condition. Don't accept agoraphobia see what you can do. My son and his wife did not have bad hyperphoria so that was good. Not all problems stem from that there are other causes. The true agoraphobic will have a higher degree of hyperphoric correction. But having said that I would say that 98% of homebound agoraphobia is caused by hyperphoria symptoms.
Love to all of you, Yolanda