Thursday, April 9, 2015


  1. Anxiety associated with being uncomfortable while driving in a moving vehicle.Concern that a dizzy episode will occur while they are driving, and that they will not be able to pull over to the side of the road to get to safety, before harming themselves or others.
  2. Anxiety associated with being in a space with a tall ceiling (i.e. malls, grocery stores, big box stores). All of the multiple stimuli and detail in a large space can overload the visual system and trigger a dizzy episode with the resultant feeling of being overwhelmed.
  3. Overwhelmed when in a group with many people due to the many faces and stimuli triggering dizziness.
  4. Generalized anxiety, sometimes severe enough to cause suicidal ideation.
Please Note: These symptoms are similar to those seen in patients with agoraphobia or anxiety syndromes.
Do these symptoms seem familiar to you. Take the test on the right to see what you can do about them.