Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Ok, we have made the supreme attempt to leave our safe zone. Maybe it was to go to a wedding, or a son's baseball game, or maybe dinner party with a dear friend.  We somehow got through it just to suffer the consequences afterwards  for a week, is it worth it?
Has this happened to you? We made the decision to go so now we labor over it and fret for a week. We go through anxiety and stress every time we think about it. We get dressed and somehow get in the car and arrive at our destination. We hold on and some how through the Grace of God we get through it and we are back in our safe place. Now we are told we should be slapping ourselves on the back and hi fiving ourselves for a great success, how come that is not what we are doing. Instead we go into deep depression, and cry and suffer more anxiety for longer periods of time then before we went. Does this sound right? There
has to be a better way, and there is. Take the test on the right and see if you need this. If you have what I had the answer is yes. It's your time get the help you need and you won't have to pay the price again.

Wishing you all the best, leave a comment, Yolanda