Sunday, December 8, 2013


Hi Everyone, it's Sunday here in Illinois and we are expecting snow. My neck is getting better slowly but better slow than never.
On this post I would like to talk about husbands, wives, and significant others.
I want to talk to those of us who met them when we were fine. I don't think enough has been said about the people who find they have a whole different person living with them. As we know we become a different personality with agoraphobia. Our problem is so severe that all we can think about is us. Family and friends don't have to live with us but they do.

After I wrote my book while it was still on sheets of paper I asked my husband if he wanted to read it. He said yes I gave it to him and he spent the next few hours reading it. He finished it that day. He came to me with tears in his eyes and said I didn't know! He said I should have helped more!
For some reason we think our partner knows all we are going through, this is not true. If we could only take our selves out of our body and look at us through their eyes we might find the answer to our rocky relationships if we have any.

Whats the answer. I think you should all sit down and write a letter to your mate and explain in vivid detail not leaving anything out what is happening to you. You might have to update it at times but they have a right to know.
Another side is how we perceive our mate. Because they are usually our safe person we go overboard in treating them special. We bend over backwards for them because they represent a link to the out side world, also the things we can't do they will do. Life can get a bit lopsided with this thing that we have.
This Agoraphobia field is wide open and new. No one knows how to navigate it. It is not a mental disorder. That is why psychiatry doesn't work. We have to start looking at this thing and calling it for what it is. We have to talk about our symptoms. Example: I'm having head spins, I can't quit shaking, can't talk on the phone, can't ride in the car my heart is beating out of my chest etc. Let's make this thing as real as we can get it.

Remember it's in your eyes not your head!



  1. Hi Yolanda, is there a way I can email you? or you can email me at
    Just wanted to tell you what happened when I posted about vertical heterophoria on a private support group. And I went to my husbands opthamologist and he knew about this, and 2 drs in the eye clinic test and treat it, and I have an appt Jan 24. Hope your well!

  2. Hi Shelly, sent you a email talk to you soon. Yolanda

  3. Hi Shelly, sent you an email.


  4. Hi, don't know what happened, but I didn't receive your email. Well, I'll tell you here, I posted about your book, and about this eye condition on a private facebook agoraphobia group. Well, it got about 24 comments, with some people thinking they may want to check out if they have vertical heterophoria. My post was up about an hour, when the admin of the group sent me a private message saying there is NO CURE and they were deleting the post. wow, I was surprised. They say you can learn to cope with this disorder, but there is no cure. Just wanted to let you know that. I do have an appt with a dr that supposedly deals with this, and thanks for writing your book, I never, ever would have thought it could be my eyes :)
