Thursday, May 22, 2014


Do you ever have that feeling? We all do at some point but with the problem of Agoraphobia the problem becomes excessive. Let's try and break down this "everybody is looking at me feeling".
The reason's people look at other people for longer than a few minutes is varied. I break it down like this
                                  A. Their very handsome or pretty.
                                  B. Their doing something the normal person wouldn't do like playing music on the
                                       street corner or dressed in some really really strange fashion.
                                  C. Maybe they're pushing triplets in a stroller.

Then there are natural reasons people look at other people. We might look at the person in front of us while in the check out line. Or maybe you have just walked into a full restaurant we all tend to look. Then there is the doctor's waiting room, we all look at the new person.
Some of us are people watchers some are not. My husband is a people watcher, I am a people glancer. I like just one quick look because I don't want people to watch me so I treat them like I would like to be treated.  My husband doesn't even know he is doing this. Ok, so where am I going with this?

As Agoraphobics this is a BIG BIG BIG problem! Because of our many symptoms like dizziness, pitching forward feelings and head spins, along with the shaking and sweating and breathing etc. These things are all going on inside of us (except for the shaking and breathing). We tend to think everybody can see what is in our minds and what we are feeling. We feel like there is a big arrow pointing to us that we are different. It is really hard to be rational when we are going through this so the end result is a fear of people because they are looking at us.
When I lost my agoraphobic symptoms I lost the feeling and the thought that people are looking at me. It wasn't a feeling anymore of Me versus them. I felt a more oneness with everyone around me.
The panic and anxiety sufferer is looking at the world, THE WORLD IS NOT LOOKING AT THEM. That's easy to say if you're not going through all this but very hard to look at this logically with all those symptoms.
The answer of course is the prism glasses so you can be the person God intended you to be.
Take the hyperphoria test on the right and see if this applies to you.

The very best to all of you. Have a safe and fun memorial weekend.

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