Saturday, September 6, 2014


Hi everyone, I am asking for those who have gotten rid of the symptoms of agoraphobia and are now back to their normal selves before they had it. They are back functioning like the rest of society that don't have any trouble. By trouble I mean, they can stand in a long line and it's ok, they don't feel any dizziness or lightheadedness, their heart doesn't start pounding at the thought of walking out their front door, or getting into the car and driving somewhere, or sitting in a crowd of people and it's perfectly ok. Loud noises don't bother you. Walking a mile by yourself would be the best start of your day.Those of you who have gainful employment outside of the house because you don't mind leaving your house for 8 hours a day.
I am betting I can count the replies on on hand. Take  this opportunity to help your fellow sufferers by telling us how this happened and how you were freed from this disability.

You can click on the right for my story. Better yet why not order my book or my kindle.

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