Saturday, July 29, 2017


I am going to tell you a true story of unlikelihood. In and around the 1700 the British sailors would take to the open waters of the sea for numerous reasons. While out on their voyage their men would become ill and many would die. Actually most would die. The symptoms were large discolored spots over the whole surface of the body. Swelling of the legs, bleeding of the gums, decreased red blood cell count, lack of strength, anxiety, and depression.
As the story goes while out on one of these adventures a storm arose and after losing control of their ship they were tossed onto a deserted island. Now it turned out that the island was not deserted but inhabited with island people. The inhabitants of the island after seeing the condition of the British sailors started given them limes which grew abundantly there. To their great surprise the sailors started improving all became better all survived. They said this is a miracle we have to go back and spread the word.
Upon returning home they told what had happened to them and many believed and made sure some lime juice was on board the  ship whenever they sailed. But eventually after so many years the idea was lost. After all to think a simple fix like lime juice cured a mammoth problem like scurvy was ridiculous. Especially to the medical community which believed elaborate problems needed complex solutions. We all know the end of the story they did go back to the simple belief that limes or vitamin C did indeed cure scurvy. Did I mention it took 400 years before this happened. Ok so what is the point of this story.

You are the sailors instead of scurvy you have agoraphobia, full blown, can't leave house, maybe not even bedroom agoraphobia. Your symptoms are, dizziness, chronic anxiety, bothered by loud noises, bothered by bright lights, feelings of falling over and having a sense of head shaking. Those are the ones I remember from when I had it. They were tossed on a island you have landed on this site. They were given limes you are given prism glasses.

I have spent over 2 years telling you about your eyes being your problem. Are you going to be like the people of the 1700 and ignore my advice? Are you going to sit there and say I have 20 20 vision this can't be me? I didn't need glasses until I was 50 and that was only to read. Don't live in the past and believe everything you hear and read. How come it's easier to believe you have a mental disease instead of you need a pair of prism glasses because your eyes are misaligned and causing your agoraphobia. Maybe you just have a case of anxiety, prism's could also cure that. Don't put off the rest of your life.

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