Monday, May 5, 2014


Hi Everyone, my subject today is DON'T BLAME YOURSELF. There is a answer for your anxiety and panic just believe you will find it someday. I knew what I had was not something I did to myself as I was led to believe. The medical society in general wants you to believe that cancer is your fault, high blood pressure is your fault, diabetes is your fault. At least the type 2. If they aren't blaming you for what you have their blaming your relatives. You fill out the form in the doctors office and there it is. Do you or any of your relatives have this. Yes there are some thing that are hereditary but not everything.
I had a good friend once whose mother had diabetes. My friend went to the doctor one day for some routine matter and the doctor told her she must have diabetes, the medicine he gave her shut down her kidneys and she died. I know this is extreme but you get the idea.

What I am getting at here is nobody wants anxiety and panic so instead of finding a way to live with it why not just try and find a way to get rid of it. Wouldn't that be more productive. Baby Steps should only be used if you are in a field full of cows. You get my drift.

So what's the point of this conversation? I want you to take the hyperphoria test to the right and grade yourself and start on your recovery. Also read the posts here so you can be encouraged. Yes you need encouragement even if your, your own cheerleader.

Hugs, Yolanda

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