Thursday, May 8, 2014


Hi everyone,
I realized that I drift to the side when I walk. Since it has been nice out I walk every day. I started noticing that I was drifting. I think it was to the right side but will pay more attention tomorrow. Then I realized that this was part of having hyperphoria. This condition seems to take on a life of it's own. Remember when I told you my son and his wife went to Michigan? Remember I told you how he uses alcohol for his anxiety problems? It seems like now since his new prism glasses he has a hard time drinking. It makes him feel bad. It is interesting to note that his prism was very small. He had many other eye issues and between the one prism and the correction of the other eye issues his anxiety is greatly reduced his anger outburst are fewer and his drinking is becoming non existent. How does this work? I wish I knew. His wife is doing much better also and has lost her neck pain and gone off of 3 meds.
The point to this post is to make you aware that you may have a drifting problem and don't even know it. Or maybe you just think your clumsey. Some of us don't even know we have problems until someone points it out. I know if it isn't broke don't fix it. Sometimes it's broke and you keep using it anyway.Just a thought.

Well that's it for today. Remember it's not in your head it's in your eyes.

Talk to you soon. Yolanda

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