Do you remember the pictures of the pirates on the high seas? All or at least some of them had one thing in common, they wore an eye patch. I don't really believe all of these pirates had their eye knocked out in fights. Research on the internet doesn't bring up a lot of information on this either. The one thing they all had in common was movement. When a storm came up the movement of the waves and the movement of the boat made them very dizzy and sick patching one eye solved the problem. Don't look this up on the net you won't find it. I am a secrete detective and I look into things like this. Anyway my point is that your eyes can and do make us sick. Dizziness is the one thing all agoraphobics have in common.
This five minute cover test is not a permanent solution for your agoraphobia it just shows you that your eyes could indeed be your problem. Do what it says and draw your own conclusion.
Thinking of you, Yolanda
5-Minute Cover Test
If you have glasses or contact lenses that you
wear normally for distance vision, wear them for this test
Determine what symptom you are most bothered by on
a daily basis
a. Write
down your symptom level at this moment on
a scale of 0-10.
b. If you are not experiencing symptoms at
this time you cannot do this test until you are experiencing symptoms
Get a timing device (phone, kitchen timer, etc)
Sit down somewhere comfortable
Keep both eyes open and “casually glance” out
8-10 feet, covering one eye
Try to refrain from looking at any particular
Do not text or use the computer during this test
Place your timer on for 5 minutes
At the end of the 5 minutes, before uncovering your eye,
determine on a scale of 0-10 the level of your symptom
Write down the symptom level and compare to your
previous symptom level
If you don’t know which eye you should cover, do
the cover test for each eye with a 20-minute period in between each eye.