Saturday, October 17, 2015


Hello everybody, it has been a while since I posted so I just want to say hi and encourage you to not give up. I have put a lot of information on this blog over the course of a year and a half. Hopefully it has helped some of you and maybe it has encouraged some. We need the world to know the answer is simple. Nobody should ever have to suffer from this debilitating disability, especially since it is so easy to overcome. In my own life now that I have overcome agoraphobia with my wonderful glasses my next job is to overcome fear. I know a lot of people have this in some way or other. In my case it is fear of being alone at night. From the hours of 12 midnight to 6 in the morning. I am not especially fond of going places alone but it is doable but nights are awful. Maybe I could call it the cinderella syndrome. I am in the process of working through it. I know this is a mental condition from my youth. I even know when I became fearful. I guess it could also be called a fear of the dark, even though it doesn't bother me until late night. Getting rid of Agoraphobia was easier than this. Maybe because that was something physical but this fear is definately mental. I didn't know I had something to talk to you about today. Maybe some of you also have this. If you have an opinion I would love to hear it.
As usual your problem is your eyes take the test buy my book. The best to all of you always, Love, Yolanda