Monday, June 16, 2014


Lets talk about the help out there. Unless you have suffered panic, agoraphobia or anxiety you probably don't have a clue what the patient is talking about. If they had suffered Agoraphobia they would be home where it is safe.
We look to the medical community for answers. Instead we get antidepressants and antianxiety medications. They tell us we need psychotherapy. We take their medication that they tell us isn't habit forming. They say the end justifies the means. This is very hard for us because we are medicine phobic.

We go through desensitization. This is to face the things we think are going to kill us. They say the more we go to these places that we fear the more anxiety will lesson. This would be fine if we were a dog.

They tell us we have to retrain our brain. That’s like telling the person who is falling that he really isn't falling he just thinks he is. There are a thousand books on agoraphobia aimed to relieve you of your money. They go over and over what you have to do to be well. Most if any of these authors have never had this thing. If you are one of the people who have been helped by these books consider yourself VERY LUCKY. The medical profession has left us addicted to pills and condemning ourselves for our own self imprisonment. I for one am not buying any of it!

So what can we do to help ourselves? Do we have any other options, yes we turn to the internet, and it is our best friend. It is a life line for people like us. The information it pushes out is over the top. God did not leave us alone, He gave us the internet. That is where I found my answer and I know it is an answer for a lot of you.

Click on the Hyperphoria test on the right and grade yourself to see if you can be helped.

The best to you all, Yolanda

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