Saturday, July 2, 2016


Yes the proof is in the prism glasses. I want to talk to you about a special proof that prism glasses really take agoraphobia symptoms away.
About a year and a half my son and daughter in law went to see Dr. Debbie in Michigan. Maybe you remember I told you about their trip. Any way Dana needed 1 prism put into her glasses. At the time she felt she had some improvements in her health. She felt better some pains she always had seemed to disappear but in time she forgot all about these improvements. About two months ago she decided she needed a new pair of glasses to see better. I advised her to bring her prescription with her that she had received from Dr. Debbie and have them put that prism into them. She really didn't think it would matter. After wearing her new prism less glasses for about 2 months she realized a lot of symptoms she thought were gone were back. Then she realized it was the glasses! She went back to her old glasses and lo and behold the symptoms left. She truly is  a believer now.
She doesn't have agoraphobia or for that matter hyperphoria. But she has some discrepancy between her two eyes. Just enough to feel not quite right. HETEROPHORIA is measured in diopters most people with hyperphoria are at least 15 diopters off. I have over 9 prisms in my glasses. Dana had 1, so you can see there is a big difference but just that little bit made her feel better. How much better could you feel if you have been diagnosed with agoraphobia. This condition is called HETEROPHORIA. Don't go running off to your nearest eye doctor they can't help you. Dr. Debbie of Vision Specialists of Michigan is a pioneer in this field and the only one as of this writing who is dealing with this problem. Please read all the posts on this site for more information. Wishing you all the best, Yolanda

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